I know we are three days into the New Year already, but you know how it is with these wrap-up posts… I like to take a minute (or more realistically an hour that gets edited down to about 12 minutes) and reflect on the month and really focus on some of the more positive experiences because I’m obnoxious like that.

Really there was so much more than just these five favorites though. There always is, like:

++ The random 50-degree weather we experienced during the week of Christmas. Ollie and I stretched our legs outside, had lunch on the front porch, and played basketball with the little basketball hoop/soccer net he received for Christmas.

++ Trying to get caught up on Tea with Jann YouTube videos. (I mean, Jann, in general, is the kind of content creator and community builder I admire, so there is that, too).

++ Getting Oliver down for the night by 9:30, sometimes even sooner, so I can take some time to decompress before I go to sleep. Some parents are awesome at the whole bedtime routine and manage to get their child into bed before 8, and their kids sleep through the night, and that is just not us (sadly). I aspire to be one of those parents!

++ My mom bought me a handheld game of the Oregon Trail, which is pretty rad.

++ Getting to spend time with family during the holidays, but even more important, Oliver getting to spend time playing with his cousins.

++The two new books I received for Christmas: the Body by Bill Bryson and Paperbacks from Hell by Grady Hendrix. I 100% cannot wait to dive into them. I’ve been on a nonfiction bender recently.

And, now I think I can finally be done with 2019. What were some of your December favorites? Also, I hope you had a swell December and a Happy New Year, too!

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I’m Jackie

Welcome to By Golly, Ollie!, my little corner of the interwebs where I write about books, tea, and geeky things.

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