Teaview:  This Tea Actually Made Me Wish for Snow

I received a bunch of different types of tea for Christmas, yet the lonely, sample tea bag of Adagio’s Chestnut Tea was the one that piqued my interest the most. I should preface this by saying I’ve never had a chestnut, so I can’t say “OMG, this totally tastes like chestnuts” or “Wow, Adagio. This tastes nothing like chestnuts”. I also have to say that I was hesitant to try this simply because it said “chestnut” on the front. I typically don’t enjoy nuts (unless it’s a pistachio). And, chestnuts especially seemed to be about as appealing as a store-bought fruitcake at Christmas. But, I was pleasantly surprised by this tea.

The ingredients are simple: black tea, sunflower petals, and natural chestnut flavor.

One of my favorite things to do before trying out new tea is to breathe in the aroma of the tea. It kind of gives me an idea of what I’m getting in to. When I opened the package, I didn’t even have to bring the leaves to my nose to get a good whiff. The aroma was strong, but not in an unappealing way. It was like walking into a kitchen when someone is baking cookies.

I was surprised how little of the black tea I could smell though. All I could notice was the chestnut flavoring. This tea had the most buttery and sugary and nutty aroma. These were the things that popped into my head: burnt sugar. Creme Brule. Multi-grain pancakes from Anna’s, a local restaurant. Smothered in butter and warm syrup of course. Notice how none of those say “chestnut”?

Only after I brewed the tea did I really notice the black tea. It was full-bodied, but it wasn’t overpowering. The buttery and nuttiness only showed up as a delightful aftertaste. I drank my tea without sugar or milk. It really doesn’t need it. But, I bet a dash of milk and sugar would turn Adagio’s Chestnut Tea into a nice dessert tea.

Bottom Line, I really enjoyed this tea. It left me feeling cozy and wishing for a snowy afternoon. There was one downfall though. I only received a sample of this type of tea, and I can’t stop thinking of it!

7 responses to “Teaview: This Tea Actually Made Me Wish for Snow”

  1. Jackie Avatar

    Now I’m hungry for pancake!


  2. BloggyLesa Avatar

    I love all the nuts and this sounds scrumptious. I always inhale the aroma before brewing too. By the way, I do like Earl Grey tea now– I remember you being astonished that I didn’t like it. Not sure why I didn’t care for it but the first time I tried it was 20 years ago so no telling– maybe I thought it was mediciney tasting.

    glad to see you getting back to blogging.


    1. Jackie Avatar

      It may have been the brand you tried. I recently ran into an Earl Grey that I wasn’t too fond of!


  3. April @ My Shelf Confessions Avatar

    I’m really no a fan of tea.. I know.. I’m horrible LOL I DO really love Snapple’s Peach Iced Tea, and lemon iced tea with plenty of sugar.. 😀 But every hot tea Ive had has been well.. not my cup of tea haha

    Bummer you onlu have a sample – sounds like you need to buy/find some more!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog, I’m following you in my RSS reader 😀

    April @ My Shelf Confessions


  4. Grace @ Books Like Breathing Avatar

    I LOVE Adagio Teas. I bought the big bag of this one and I love it. I also bought the Candy Cane and Pumpkin Spice ones and loved them as well.


  5. Nicole Martin Avatar

    I felt the same way about this tea. I’ve never tasted a chestnut but it made me really want to 🙂


  6. […] that have artificial flavoring has been positive. I could practically bury my face in a pouch of Adagio’s Chestnut tea, remember? The same could not be said for the Almond Black tea. First sniff was alright, and I definitely […]


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Welcome to By Golly, Ollie!, my little corner of the interwebs where I write about books, tea, and geeky things.

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